sceplist - display SCEP requests of a given status


     sceplists [ options ] [ from [ to ] ]


     Sceplist displays lists of SCEP requests of a  given  status
     either as plain text or as HTML. Sorting can be performed on
     various attributes of a request, and it is possible to  only
     display a range of requests based on the same key.


     -d   increase the debug level by one.

     -h   display the results of the query in HTML format instead
          of plain text.

     -c   display date strings in the usual BR ctime  (3)  format
          instead of the ASN1 time string.


     Requests of differnt status are lists depending on the  fol-
     lowing options:

     -p   displays pending requests. This is the default, and the
          -p flag can be omitted.

     -g   lists granted requests, not including certificates that
          have been revoked in the mean time.

     -r   lists rejected requests, i.e. requests the were sent in
          by  clients,  but  lated denied a certificate by the CA

     -v   lists revoked requests.


     Sceplist is capable of  sorting  on  various  attributes  of
     requests and certificates, based on the following options

     -t   use the transaction id as the sort key.

     -n   use the subject distinguished named as the sort key.

     -b   use the end validity time of the  certificate  as  sort
          key (only for certificates and revoked certificates).

     -a   use the beginning of validity  of  the  certificate  as
          sort  key  (only  for certificates and revoked certifi-

     -s   use the certificate serial number as sort key (only for
          certificates and revoked certificates).

     -x   reverse the order of the sort.

          The  optional  arguments  can  indicate  a   range   of
          requests.  The  selection  key  is the same as the sort


     This page documents sceplist as it appears in version  0.3.8
     of OpenSCEP.


     The list of revoked certificates does currently not list the
     revocation  date of a revoked certificate. It isn't possible
     to sort on the revocation date either

     Selection of a range based on serial  number  has  not  been
     implemented yet.


     scepgrant(8), scepreject(8), openscep.cnf(5)


     Andreas F. Mueller <>

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